Thursday, December 29, 2011

Hello World

This is my first (real) attempt at a blog. I'll probably edit this and do a more formal "first post" at a later time. For now I just want to say that a small part of this project is that I want to write all of my own HTML for this blog. So I suppose that's what I'll be doing today. Heck, maybe I'll write my second post about it.

Here's some more text:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer id erat nisi, id elementum purus. Sed risus neque, tempus pretium sollicitudin sed, ultrices non felis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam erat volutpat. Phasellus sit amet convallis purus. Ut malesuada eros id velit tempor elementum sed ut erat. Aenean bibendum turpis et odio adipiscing sed accumsan est auctor. Morbi luctus leo condimentum eros dapibus ut vestibulum odio tincidunt. Ut sed massa non ligula iaculis rutrum et et justo. Etiam lobortis leo vitae erat vehicula ultrices. Sed convallis tincidunt risus, in ornare neque imperdiet sed. Mauris iaculis molestie iaculis.

Edit 1:
So I just took a cursory glance at the HTML of this page. It appears that there is a lot of stuff going on here.  Since I am not very experienced in HTML, I will attempt to make a bare-bones version of this blog. I really don't want to spend too long on this right now, since I do have other, more pressing things that I have to work on.

Edit 2:
Nope, not messing with the HTML right now. Have other things to do. But here is a test of a syntax highlighter that I've added using this tutorial:
$(document).ready(function() {
 alert('I am using Prettify as Syntax Highlighter');